Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Years Eve Eve

So we meet again. I just got out of a nice long refreshing shower. It was much needed after a day full of cleaning (or avoiding cleaning in my case). We are preparing the house for my next to the youngest sister's birthday party tomorrow. Alexi was born on New Years Eve. She could have been a New Year's baby, but my dad wanted the tax deduction. Go figure. So, while I did do some cleaning I was more of a much needed distraction. :)
My List of Distractions
  • play baseball with the fat mickey antenna as the ball and Mama's pans as the bat
  • knock over my baby sister, Ariel's, fish bowl with fake fish from playing baseball
  • quote The Hangover and make Daddy spit his drink out
  • dance around like a goof
  • vacuum and steam clean the floor while singing "Silent Night" in an opera voice
  • make a salad
  • prank call my dad
  • get Alexi to prank call my dad
  • text Amanda (the second oldest sister), who is upstairs, to prank call my dad
  • get on Facebook
  • make fun of my mom
  • terrorize the animals

I think that's about it. See? I told ya I worked hard today. Anywho... Off to dinner at the local Italian restaurant.


It's a Wonderful Life

Ahhh... I just love that movie and am currently watching it at the moment. Yes, I know it is after Christmas, but I can't help it. It's such a great movie. People seemed so much more genuine back then. Everything seemed so innocent. Nowadays you have songs talking about threesomes and hermaphrodites, movies with peoples' guts all over the place, and innocence is lost. Oh to star in a black 'n' white film. ;)
Sorry it has been so long since I last wrote in my blog. So much has changed since then. I survived my first semester at Longwood (yay!), made some new friends, and passed Biopsychology. By the way, I was totally right about the roommate situation. She turned out to be a pot-smoking-lying-skanky-alcoholic b*tch. And that's being nice. Thankfully I'll be switching rooms next semester. I just pray that my friend and I still remain friends after living together.
I know you may not think my life is very interesting, but I assure you it is. I know everyone says that, but this is different. I'm telling the truth. To start it off, my dad is the only male in a house full of women. He has my mom, four daughters, and a crazy mother-in-law. Talk about an estrogen overload.
Each day is just an opportunity for a new adventure in my family. Have you ever heard of someone wrecking their car in their own driveway? My sister, who does not even have her learner's permit, managed to pull that off. How about someone smashing their finger between two bowling balls? Guilty. I had to have two surgeries and six months of physical therapy on one very important middle finger. You think this stuff is crazy? You ain't heard nothing yet.
I can't wait to tell you all about my crazy, but wonderful family. Hopefully I can stay up to date with this blog. We shall see...