Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I am totally in the mood to write some incredibly witty blog, but I've got nothing. Nothing overly spectacular has been going on in my life besides the fact that I will be transferring to a new college in exactly one week AND that I have a monsterous secret that I cannot share with anyone. Oy!
As each day comes to an end, I feel more and more anxious about this new adventure I am about to begin. Yes, I have already been in college for two years, but this time it's different. I will no longer be a commuter student. I will actually live on campus and experience college for what it really is for the first time in my life.
Contrary to what some 20-year-old students may feel, I have become rather attached to my family over the years and am not looking forward to leaving them. Although it will be nice to be out on my own and not have the constant competition between my three sisters, I am going to miss old life.
I guess part of my apprenhension stems from the fact that my future roommate seems to totally already. I mean, she does not even know me and I feel she already resents me. Maybe I am being paranoid and looking into this too much, but my intuition tells me otherwise.
We have only communicated through ONE (yes, one) e-mail and she was not the friendliest person. It seems like I was on her "s" list from the start, since she was expecting someone other than me to be her roommate. She was also very possessive of her mini-fridge and microwave and practically freaked on me to get my own. Someone needed to watch a little more Barney videos when they were little to learn how to share.
Other than that tiny dilemna, I'm actually looking forward to school. I know I sound like I total nerd for saying that, but it's true. Most of my classes look rather interesting and it'll be nice to meet some new people. Hopefully it won't be too hard to make some new friends. I'm sorta shy when it comes to opening up to new people. I hope it's not to hard to fit in...
Goodness, I can't believe I took up that much space about school. I really am a geek 8-)
So, onto my secret ordeal. I don't think I have ever been told a secret that could cause so much damage before. Seriously, if something like this were to get out, all hell would break loose. No joke. People's lives would be ruined. Shame and humiliation would rip apart families. It's an awful thing that happened. All I can do is pray for everyone involved and hope that no one spreads it further.
Those are really the only pressing things on my mind at the moment. I'm going to end this blog now before I bore anyone to death. Now, back to reading the Twilight series. It's an addiction :)